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Wholesale Tree Nursery
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As with most nurseries, the busiest time of year for us is the spring planting season, which typically begins in February and continues through May. Some planting is also done in the fall, shortly after the fields are tilled and fumigated, readying the grounds for production. Approximately 7,500 trees are planted annually, a significant increase over the small number we were planting when the nursery was first established. Over the years we have devised a strategic field layout that suits our tree-growing operation. We lay out the field with trees spaced three, four, or five feet apart, depending on the variety, in rows that are eight feet apart.
Check out this great article from Digger (published by Oregon Association of Nurseries) written by Tracy Miller!
Approximately 80 percent of the population of the United States now lives in urban environments where trees are both beloved – and imperiled. Estimates are that urban environments are home to 77 percent of invasive species introduced for…READ MORE
As a strong supporter and contributor to the TREE Fund, we want to share a recent newsletter about the type of research it supports. Check out the article on SIR (Systemic Reduced Resistance) in plants. It works like a vaccine does in humans. Wow!
Crowning Achievements
Research on Fighting Tree Diseases with Non-Chemical Compounds
Urban trees are susceptible to various pathogenic fungi and bacteria that, if uncontrolled, can result in high mortality rates. Agrochemicals are primarily used to control these diseases, but present their own problems. Systemic induced resistance (SIR) is a resistance mechanism in plants that is activated by exposure to a disease (same concept as a vaccine). SIR inducing compounds have been developed and shown promise as a non-chemical disease management strategy for trees. In the study READ MORE